Bisherige Konferenzen
Nach den positiven Erfahrungen der PyDays Vienna 2017, PyDays Vienna 2018 und PyDays Vienna 2019 ist in der Wiener Python-Community die Idee entstanden, 2025 eine weitere Python-Konferenz zu veranstalten. Die PyDays 2017-2019 waren erfolgreiche Veranstaltungen. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer konnten Wissen über Python und seine Anwendungen austauschen, Gleichgesinnte treffen und die neuesten Trends diskutieren – und vor allem Spaß haben! Die PyDays Vienna 2017-2019 wurden von den Linuxwochen Wien an der FH Technikum Wien organisiert.
Hier findest du einige Eindrücke:
PyDays Vienna 2017
SciPyWomen und PyDays 2018
Programmpunkte der bisherigen Konferenzen:
- Oh, I Found a Security Issue (Markus Holtermann, Florian Apolloner)
- Teach Python to (Your) Children (Horst Jens)
(links from speech at PyConSK but i am sure its nearly the same speech) - Using Python for industrial prototypes (Artem Revenko)
- Python Automation – A Case Study (Maciej Skorski)
- Wie alle bei Open-Source mitspielen können (Christoph Schindler)
- Cardiac image analysis in Python (Jan Margeta)
- This is Plone (Johannes Raggam)
- Integration of Geoprocessing Tools in QGIS (Anita Graser)
- Workshop: Natural Language Processing in Journalism (Yian Shang)
- Algorithmic Trading with asyncio (Vita Smid)
- Topic Modelling and Text Analysis with Gensim (Bhargav Srinivasa)
- Writing Code Analysis the Easy Way (Lasse Schuirmann)
- 4 Steps to a Project Your Users Will Love (Sebastian Latacz)
- Async Web development, present day (Anton Caceres)
- Parallel Computing with Dask (Christian Aichinger)
- GitMate (Fabian Neuschmidt)
- Lessons from dockerizing a Python service (Sebastian Nozzi)
- Migration to Python 3 in Finance (Thomas Aglassinger)
- SageMath and Cython (Harald Schilly)
- Workshop: Text Analysis with Gensim (Bhargav Sirinivasa)
- Linespots (Maximilian Scholz)
- Practical machine learning for everyday web apps (Dražen Lučanin)
- The Perfect Home (Thomas Moser)
Erster Tag: 04.05.2018
- Python for Social Good (Dražen Lučanin)
- ZODB: A graph database for Python Developers (Christopher Lozinski)
- Guidance for Successful SaaS Architecture in Python (Armin Ronacher)
- Python on the blockchain (Daniel McDonald)
- Reproducible data science using virtual environments (Clemens Zauchner, Günther Doppelbauer)
- Python and Web Sockets(Anton Caceres)
- Machine Learning on Source Code (Vadim Markovtsev)
- Tracking Reproducible Revisions in PostgreSQL with Psycopg2 (Miroslav Šedivý)
- Analyzing GitHub, how developers change programming languages over time (Waren Long)
- Pyware – A generic Pythonic REST API client (Duc-Hung Le)
- Easy Wardriving with IoT(Martin Schmiedecker)
- Selinon – Distributed dynamic task flows(Fridolín Pokorný)
- Pragmatic Introduction to Python Unit Testing(Workshop)
- GNU Radio Where Python meets radio waves (Pero)
- Open Election Data API with Django (Offene Wahlen AT) (Stefan Kasberger)
- Python in Game Development(Thomas Perl)
- Machine vision in Python (Jan Margeta)
- Autotrading with a synthetic market: AI-driven back-testing environment (Larisa Chizhova)
- Humanizing among coders (Ana Balica)
- Distributing Machine Learning Tasks with Python (Matt)
- Data Science App Development with Jupyter (Barbara Pretzner (Exputec))
Zweiter Tag: 05.05.2018
- Washing away code smells (Yenny Cheung)
- Industrial Machine Learning (Alejandro Saucedo)
- Introductory Data Analysis with Python(Christine Koppelt, Stefan Seelmann) (Workshop)
- Transitioning a research group and laboratory to using Python (Christoph Buchner)
- Enterprise CMS mit Plone 5.1 Ein Überblick: UI, OOTB-Features, Erweiterung, Anpassung (Jens W. Klein)
- Unicode Or why py3k was necessary (Lukas Prokop)
- Feeding a real-time user interface (Vita Smid)
- Teaching AI about Human Knowledge (Ines Montani)
- Python & QML bringing the best of both worlds together (Lukas Hetzenecker)
- A Mindblowing Number of Tiny Pixels (
- Analysing natural languge feedback using Python (Thomas Aglassinger)
- Deploying Python with Docker, CircleCI, and Kubernetes (Matt) Workshop
- Fooling the Computer Eye Manipulating images to make an algorithm misclassify them (L. Gjeltema)
- PoolParty APIs (Artem Revenko)
- Unsafe at Any Speed (Rae Knowler)
- Deploying your application with Ansible or: Keep your hands away from the console (Florian Apolloner)
- How to fail at teaching Python Insights of 12 years of teaching Python to children of all ages (Horst JENS)
- ReportBro: Python Reporting Toolkit PDF and Excel reports for the web (Alexander Hartmann)
- Cloud-native Python Running Python apps on Openshift (Vadim Rutkovsky)
Erster Tag: 03.05.2019
- import bacon The standard library modules you never knew you needed (Ivana Kellyerova) slides:
- asyncio introduction & exercises (Martin Natano,Ivana Kellyerova) files/slides: asyncio workshop: (all 4 files are interesting, there’s the slides as well as the exercises and solutions)
- Hi *AI, do you speak Python? (Kamila Stępniowska)
- Semantic Containers for Data Mobility (Christoph Fabianek)
- Free Stuff For Devs (Stefan Karner, Georg Petz)
- Intro to Python Ctypes(Philipp Schindler)
- The Apprentices Enthusiastic Guide to pandas (Ingrid)
- Compiling for fun and profit! (Dario Meloni)
- MovingPandas (Anita Graser)
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (Daniel Pasterk)
- Lightning Talk: An Electron Printer for Masks (Thomas König)
- From Jupyter notebook to worldwide use (Patrick Sagmeister)
- Analysing 200 Years of Political Debate (Maryam Ahmed)
- Lies they told you about OOP (Janos Pasztor)
- Surpassing the R vs Python dogma (Clemens Zauchner, Dana Jomar)
- Bias in AI (Katrin Strasser)
- Hydrogen & Pweave – A better Jupyter Notebook? (Christoph Bodner)
- Distributed computing with Ray (Jan Margeta)
- Women in Tech Initiatives Meetup (jackie)
- Co-Mentoring Program Women on Data (Mari Plaza, Laura Vana)
Zweiter Tag: 04.05.2019
- Typos Correction in Code Identifiers (Irina Khismatullina)
- Detection of precipitating clouds based on optical satellite sensors using Machine Learning (Apostolos Giannakos)
- Using the micro:bit to inspire students (Luke Spademan)
- Building a Bitcoin trading bot in Python (Anton Pirker)
- Introduction to Information Security with Python (Carina Karner)
- How to fake properly (Rainer Schuettengruber)
- Lightning Talk: Python LikeABosch (Martin Schmiedecker)
- Die Krux mit der Kryptografie – Alles eine Frage der Implementierung? (Maha Sounble)
- Python Beginner Workshop Get to learn the language (Thomas Perl)
- Refactoring in Python (Tin)
- Get native with Cython (Stefan Behnel)
- nibbler Runtime bytecode optimisation (Philip Trauner)
- A Day Has Only 24±1 Hours (Miroslav Šedivý)
- Helpful logging with Python (Thomas Aglassinger)
- Deploying Python with Docker, CircleCI, and Kubernetes (Matt)
- Mypy: do you even type, buddy? (Philipp Konrad)
- Lint your code responsibly! (Ania Kapuścińska)